Media Transformation

The project aims to examine the present changing media environment in historical context. It seeks parallels between the present unstable media world and other key moments of change and uncertainty.  

The work of the project team will range widely in the methodologies and tools employed to discover, map, and visualise the media environment of the first age of printing, 1450-1700.  

Digital technology has transformed and profoundly challenged inherited forms of communication, from news to the leisure industry. But it has also transformed the means of study, not just of contemporary society, but of previous media environments. The team will engage with new methodologies to assemble data towards a coherent analysis of the benefits and pitfalls of changing media environments, at a time of unprecedented fluidity and uncertainty over the future of communication. 

Project Supervision Team

Prof Andrew Pettegree
[email protected]

Dr Graeme Kemp
Email: [email protected]

Dr Arthur der Weduwen
Email: [email protected]